Be Safe While Online: The Surfshark Solution

Jan 08, 2024By Ernest Anderson
Ernest Anderson

In our previous blog, "Malware 101", we explored the dark world of malware and viruses, learning how they can compromise our digital security and privacy.

Let's briefly review these concepts to enhance our understanding. Feel free to view our last blog HERE. First, we discovered that "virus" stands for "Vital Information Resources Under Siege," highlighting the importance of ongoing learning in tech. We discussed different types of viruses, such as the Multipartite Virus, Direct Action Virus, Browser Hijacker, Overwrite Virus, Network Virus, and Boot Sector Virus. Each type has its way of disrupting computer systems, leading to issues like data loss, system damage, and operational problems.

Next, we turned our attention to malware, which stands for malicious software. This term covers a range of harmful software designed to infiltrate and damage computer systems. We categorized them into Ransomware, Spyware, Worms, Adware, Trojans, and Botnets. These vary in their functions - from locking down systems for ransom (Ransomware) to collecting user data secretly (Spyware) and even causing widespread disruption in networks (Worms and Botnets). We also discussed real-world examples like the MGM Grand incident, demonstrating the real impact of these threats. Today, we take a step further to introduce a robust solution to these ever-evolving digital threats: SurfShark Anti-Virus.

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About Surfshark

Surfshark is a cybersecurity company that develops humanized privacy and security solutions. They aspire for everyone to have complete control of their digital lives. talk about cybersecurity and cyberthreats in a language everyone understands, making our products accessible to all — from an everyday person to a cybersecurity geek.

What we like about this Product

In a digital landscape often riddled with security threats and privacy concerns, Surfshark One emerges as a beacon of comprehensive cybersecurity. Here’s what particularly stands out about this product:

1. All-in-One Cybersecurity App: One of the most striking features of Surfshark One is its all-encompassing nature. It’s not just a tool but a suite of tools, all integrated into one user-friendly app. This multifunctional package includes a VPN, Antivirus, Alert, Search, and Alternative ID services, making it a one-stop shop for all your digital security needs. This integration simplifies managing your online safety, eliminating the need for multiple apps and subscriptions.

2. Robust VPN Service: The Surfshark VPN component is a highlight. It goes beyond the standard offerings of encrypting internet activity and changing IP addresses. The added features of blocking annoying ads and malware, and offering protection on public Wi-Fi or untrusted networks, are particularly commendable. This multi-layered approach to VPN services enhances your privacy and security in various online scenarios. If you are not familiar with what a VPN is and why it is important, here is a quick video explaining it:

3. Proactive Protection and Monitoring: The Antivirus and Alert features in Surfshark One proactively protect your devices from malware and keep a vigilant eye on your personal data. Whether it’s real-time protection against viruses or monitoring your email for potential data breaches, these features work tirelessly to ensure your digital well-being. The ability to customize scans to frequently used folders is an efficient touch that we appreciate.

4. Privacy-Centric Tools and Unique Features: Privacy is a paramount concern today, and Surfshark One addresses this through its Search and Alternative ID functions. The ad-free, tracker-free private search option ensures that your online queries remain confidential. Meanwhile, Alternative ID protects your email and personal details from spam and misuse. additionally, the Incogni feature, which forces companies to remove your personal data from their databases, is a game-changer for privacy advocates, particularly in regions like the US, the UK, the EU, Canada, and Switzerland.

 What we dislike about this Product

1. Purchase Options: What we mean by this is the ability to only purchase what security you need. Let's say you already have a VPN, but need an antivirus and some alternative IDs software, then you won't be able to purchase just those items alone. This would be mainly a problem for those who are more who like a certain brand and are more versed in cyber security. Then again, having one package that makes sure all of their areas are covered is a great solution to cut costs, decrease confusion, and increase your ease of mind.

2. Potential Complexity: Having one software that can handle everything you need is easy to understand, but could be frightful to those who are new to protecting themselves online. Although it is very necessary especially now with the birth of AI technologies. The good news with Surfshark is it has 24/7 customer support and in-depth tutorials to help you navigate through the software. 

In conclusion, Surfshark One impresses with its holistic and user-centric approach to cybersecurity. It’s not just a tool; it's a comprehensive security companion for the modern internet user, offering peace of mind in an increasingly complex digital world.

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