Maleware 101

Dec 15, 2023By Dion
person using laptop on white wooden table

Let's get down to business to defeat the Huns... oh *AHEM* I didn't see you there... how long were you there?? Listen, none of that matters now. You came here at a great time because the topic of this article is well known, but there's still a dark zone for a lot, so let's get right into it, shall we?

We're going to talk about "viruses." I put viruses in quotations because I learned not too long ago that "virus" is an abbreviation for Vital Information Resources Under Siege. It shows that there's always room for learning because I went a long time without even catching wind that virus is an abbreviation. I was learning Python from scratch on an app called "MIMO" and an app called "Hacking" for certified ethical hacking, but that is enough of me rambling. Let's get into the content.

Businessman holding a tablet pc with

A virus can come from many different areas, depending on the virus. I will tell you how much fun you're about to have (not really) coming across some malicious software or what is more commonly known as "Malware" that can do several things to your system. 

Things such as:

  • Data Loss and Data Theft
  • Operational issues
  • Damage to systems and programs
  • Deletion of files

The different types of viruses are:

  • Multipartite virus-Fast acting malware that attacks a device boot sector and executable files simultaneously.
  • Direct Action Virus- When a virus attaches directly to a .exe or a .com file and makes its way in once executed.
  • Browser Hijacker- A malware program that modifies web browser settings without the user's permission, which would then redirect the traffic to a fake site.
  • Overwrite Virus- A type of computer virus that affects the computer system negatively.
  • Network Virus- This one is new to the field but spreads from computer to computer without a file-based copy. 
  • Boot Sector Virus- a type of virus that infects the boot sector of floppy disks (Do we even use floppy disks anymore?) or the master boot record (MBR).
Business man with the text Malware in a concept image

Let's dive a little into Malware. Malware, short for malicious software, refers to intrusive software or computer code intentionally crafted to infiltrate, impair, or illicitly access computer systems. The landscape of Malware encompasses diverse types, each exhibiting unique methods of infection and disruption to computing devices. Notwithstanding their distinctions, all iterations of Malware share a common objective: the compromise of computer system security and the infringement upon privacy.

Types of Malware:

  • Ransomware- This is malicious software designed to lock down systems for an entire company. The attackers demand a large sum of money or bitcoin, and the company has to pay the ransom, or they won't get that information back. Here is an article about the recent shutdown of MGM Grand in Las Vegas, and I mean the whole thing, including elevators, casinos, bright essential doors, etc.:   
            View Article Here
  • Spyware- The purpose of this type of Malware is to collect information about a device of the network and report that information back to the attacker
  • Worms- These little things were designed with a one-track mind, and that is proliferation. The worm spreads by getting into a device or a terminal,  then makes a replica of itself, and then finds its way around the network. Infecting other devices or terminals on that same network.
  • Adware- This type of Malware is more on the tame side. Its job is only to throw ads up on a website to get you to click it and then affect your system. Its position is more of a nuisance than anything.
  • Trojans- Yes, just like the story in ancient Greek mythology, it comes in the form of something different, but inside of that is a floodgate of unwanted issues. Once opened, you have to act quickly because there will be a lot of things happening on the screen at once. I know from experience, unfortunately. One second, I'm trying to download free DJ software and the next thing I know, my computer is bricked. Yeah, that wasn't fun.
St. Moritz, Switzerland. Alpine resort

  • Botnets- This is a little exciting because a botnet isn't Malware. It's a code that will infect a network of computers and will turn on when it's time to conduct a Denial of Service(Dos) attack, which is usually from one device. A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) is where the botnets shine because you can't pin the source. This is due to the network getting so many requests from different angles. Its only option is to shut the network down and get things situated.

Here are some videos explaining other forms of Malware and also give more information on the ones that were mentioned and how to avoid them:

We hope we have done a good job of breaking down viruses and malware for you.  We hope this information will help you keep your web browsing safe! If you like articles like this, consider subscribing to our newsletter. We will bring you interesting, up-to-date articles about everything Space and Technology!

Here are some resources we used and will help you gain a deeper understanding of Viruses and Malware:

