Uh-Oh Chatgpt has some company

Dec 11, 2023By Dion

You'll never guess what Just happened a few days ago, guys!! I was sent an article that I just had to talk about! Chatgpt has some company in making AI art, who knows what else it will bring?

Businessman stand on roof top using laptop with hold the (AI)Artificial intelligence hologram,smart city and network connect concept

I hope you're sitting down because I have some information about who the company is. Can you go get a snack? I can wait. I have no problem... What's that? Oh, are you going to grab a snack? Not a problem, I'll wait...(I actually waited a few minutes because I ran to get a snack, lol. Yes, I made you take a break because I wanted a snack. I'm sorry. 

I'll jump right into the story now. One word... Google... Google threw its hat in the ring and went after the behemoth Chatgpt, and from the looks of things, google's battleship call was a successful hit. Google their very own Ai chatbot called Gemini. Gemini is an AI Artbot that beat out Chatbot and its beloved new version of itself, GPT-4, which was said to be bounds better than GPT-3.5. GPT-4 has three models: Gemini Ultra, Gemini Pro, and Gemini Nano. In the article, they stated that the most capable model is Ultra. It was able to beat GPT-4 and other AI art bots in the world.

The stats of Gemini Ultra.

  • 9 of 9 image understanding benchmark
  • 6 of 6 video understanding benchmarks
  • 5 of 5 speech recognition and speech translation benchmarks

While GPT-4 still has a leg up on Gemini ultra 

  • Text benchmarks
  • Reasoning benchmarks

Gemini makes up in other areas

  • Analyzing images
  • Videos
  • Human speech

It's that last bullet for me, just wow.

Before I get too far ahead of myself and close this article off, let me explain what ChatGPT is for those that don't know about ChatgGPT

ChatGPT is an artificially intelligent chatbot that can take a prompt of anything you can think of and create a human response. ChatGPT is a generative AI that has the power to take anything that is requested to make it happen. 

The GPT stands for "Generative Pre-trained Transformer," and it has perfect trainers. It's trained by human feedback. Whether a holistic or off-the-wall interaction, it's still introducing the Chatbot.

The creator of the Chatbot is known as OpenAI. They also created an AI text-to-art generator called Dall-E. However, ChatGPT is becoming a household name for many people and even businesses, seeing that they're using ChatGPT to create job listings and whatever else you can imagine. I will leave a link under this, taking you to one of my favorite sites regarding up-to-date tech news.

Hetler, A. (2023, November 17). What is chatgpt? everything you need to know. WhatIs.com. https://www.techtarget.com/whatis/definition/ChatGPT

Also here is a video that will give more insight on what ChatGPT is