Interesting findings on mars

Jun 20, 2024By Dion

If gazing at this Martian landscape brings to mind the childhood tune "One of These Things is Not Like the Others," you're in good company with NASA scientists.

Perseverance, the car-sized rover, recently ventured into Mars' Neretva Vallis. While this area might appear as a desolate desert now, it was once an ancient river channel that flowed into the Jezero crater billions of years ago. As Perseverance explored the area, it discovered a hill scattered with boulders. Among them, one rock stood out to the science team: a light-speckled rock in a sea of dark stones.

"Every once in a while, you'll just see something unusual in the Martian landscape, and the team will say, 'Let's check that out,'" explained Katie Stack Morgan, deputy project scientist of NASA's Mars 2020 mission, to Mashable. "This was the textbook definition of chasing the bright, shiny object because it was so bright and white."

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Sauers, E. (2024, June 17). NASA rover discovers mysterious Mars Boulder unlike any others. Mashable.

The boulder is so remarkable that scientists consider it in a league of its own. Detailed analysis with the rover's instruments suggests it is likely an anorthosite, a type of rock previously unseen during Mars exploration, according to Stack Morgan. This is notable because even the Curiosity rover, which has observed a wide variety of rocks in Gale Crater, has never encountered anything like this.

Anorthosite rocks are found on the moon and in some mountain ranges on Earth, but they are generally considered rare in our solar system. True Martian examples have been elusive, even among the meteorites from Mars that have made their way to Earth.

Here's a video of what the rover snapped so we can finally see what Mars looks like!

Also heres the credit to the source where I gatherd the information from!
